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Macksville High School

Macksville High School

Respect - Honesty - Pride - Teamwork

Telephone02 6568 1066

Updated COVID-Safe Guidelines for NSW Schools

Updated COVID-Safe Guidelines for NSW Schools

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Monday 17 August, the department announced an updated health advice to ensure that NSW public schools can continue to operate safely.

As a school community we must remain vigilant and we are asking parents and carers that the following measures are adhered to:

  • In accordance with advice from NSW Health, parents and carers are reminded NOT to send children to school if they are unwell, even if they have the mildest flu-like symptoms. Schools will make arrangements for students who present as unwell or have flu-like symptoms to be sent home.
  • NSW Health have requested that schools encourage anyone who is unwell or has even mild flu-like symptoms, to arrange to be tested through their local medical practitioner or one of the COVID-19 clinics.
  • Students with flu-like symptoms will need to provide a copy of a negative COVID-19 test result and be free of flu-like symptoms before being permitted to return to school.
  • NSW Public Schools continue to be safe learning environments which operate in line with the advice of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee and NSW Health. All students should be learning on campus and in their classroom with peers, unless they have a medical certificate to support their absence.

To remind you of these measures we will be sending a text message once a week and we will inform you of any future changes.

We thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our school community safe.

Kind regards,

Erica Lyne
